EEB Seminar: March 12th

This week, we welcome Lesley Campbell. Gene Flow and its Role in Evolution: Applied Evolutionary Ecology of Weed(s) Abstract: The Campbell Lab studies how genetic diversity influences population demography? To advance this goal, we study plant populations and their genetic systems – i.e., the reproductive machinery and processes that influence gamete quality and quantity, gameteContinue reading “EEB Seminar: March 12th”

EEB Seminar: March 5th

This week. we welcome Aaron Shafer. Can we use Genomes to help conserve biodiversity? Abstract: In this seminar I will discuss the transition from genetic to genomic data sets and the challenges that has posed for conservation initiatives. I will then spotlight two case studies highlighting how genomic data and analyses can inform wildlife conservation and management, and more broadly provideContinue reading “EEB Seminar: March 5th”

EEB Seminar: Feb 13th

This week, we welcome our own Bob Montgomerie. True Facts about Scientific Misconduct Abstract: The recent kerfuffle about data fabrication by Jonathon Pruitt (Canada 150 Research Chair at McMaster University) has lit up Twitter with all kinds of nonsense and misconceptions about scientific misconduct. In this session, I will present ten things I have learnedContinue reading “EEB Seminar: Feb 13th”

EEB Seminar: February 6th

This week, we welcome Calder Schweitzer. Boots on the Ground: Direct-Action Conservation Through Land Trusts Abstract: For students in the field of ecology, it seems like our work is relegated to highly-competitive government positions, the wide world of academia, or a career in government lobbying with little to no field work involved. For those whoContinue reading “EEB Seminar: February 6th”

EEB-SES Seminar: Jan 30th

This week, we welcome Elizabeth Gow. Tracking birds and their predators throughout the annual cycle to understand population declines Abstract: Tracking birds throughout the year, using miniaturized tracking devices, provides one way in which to identify regions and time periods within the annual cycle that could be responsible for population declines. I used range-wide continental-scaleContinue reading “EEB-SES Seminar: Jan 30th”

EEB Seminar: Jan 9th

This week, we welcome Corrina Thomsen. Province-wide patterns, and between-layer associations, of mycorrhizal host type within British Columbia forests Abstract: Plant-soil feedbacks within forests can facilitate or inhibit success among neighbour seedlings depending in part on the type of mycorrhizal association; ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associations tend to yield positive, facilitative effects whereas arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) associationsContinue reading “EEB Seminar: Jan 9th”

EEB Seminar: December 5th

This week, we welcome Carly Ziter. Thinking outside the park: a landscape ecology approach to urban ecosystem servicesAbstract: The current era of unprecedented urban growth has markedly changed ecosystem structure, function, and biodiversity, and consequently the ecosystem services that our health and wellbeing depend on. To work towards more sustainable, liveable cities, it is important to understand whereContinue reading “EEB Seminar: December 5th”

EEB Seminar: Nov 28th

This week, we welcome Wendy Van Drunen. The immediate phenotypic effects of whole-genome duplication on asexual reproduction through clonality Abstract: Polyploidy, having 2 or more complete chromosome sets, is extremely common throughout the flowering plants and is believed to play a large role in speciation and diversification. However, surprisingly little is known about the mechanisms thatContinue reading “EEB Seminar: Nov 28th”

EEB Seminar: Nov 21st

This week, we welcome Andrew Wright. RoboScientist: Whale research in collaboration with machines Abstract: Whales and dolphins has always been a challenge, as they spend most of their lives below the surface. Oceanic conditions can also make observations tricky. Fortunately, technological developments are opening up new avenues of study. We can now deploy equipment into theContinue reading “EEB Seminar: Nov 21st”